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About Me

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I originally grew up in the tiny town of Merrill, Iowa, and later moved to the slightly larger town of LeMars, Iowa. My father is a farmer, and my mother is a Broker and Owner at Century 21. My parents helped me achieve my earliest life goal of becoming a cowboy throughout my middle school and early high school years. I had a horse named Blair and we competed in the American Quarter Horse World Show. Once I reached high school I realized my true passion was in theater. I was part of an improvisational acting group and that was some of the most fun I have had in my life. I graduated from the University of South Dakota with my BFA in Musical Theatre. I now live in Minneapolis, MN. When I am not acting, I love watching movies, spending time with my friends and family, listening to Meat Loaf (the band, not the food), and teaching choir to the middle school students at DaVinci School of Arts and Sciences.

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